This is the blanket I mentioned finishing in that last post... Finally got around to uploading pictures!That's pretty much all for right now. :)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
3rd Blanket
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 8:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Umm Whoa!
This update is a bit overdue! I knew I'd been putting off posting for a little while but I didn't realize it'd been almost 3 full months... *puts a bag over my head*
I am now up to 31 completed items, which means I had 6 extra things to cross off in that time. Not bad! And I should have a couple more pretty soon here. For now I got to cross off these:
22. Get renters insurance.
62. Go to Taughannock Falls.
64. Go somewhere crowded (like the State Fair) and don’t freak out (crowds totally suck).
65. Go camping. (Real camping.)
73. Go to a concert.
And I must have crossed another one off in between posts that I don't really remember, but I'm thinking it must have been:
52. Hang out with my mom. Just for fun.
I also finished blanket three of four for number four (and started the last one), but I'll have to come back later with a picture since it's still on our camera.
I failed number 58: Find another new-to-me writing or photo blog challenge that sounds interesting – and complete it! I started doing 30 Days of {Blank} (my blank was to be a photo everyday), but then it wasn't very fun. And I stopped. Oh well. Maybe I'll find a funner one to try later on.
I need to update my books I've read so I can update the number for 74. Read 100 books! (15/100) ... I haven't updated that list since my last post at least. D'oh!
Then also I just realized I still need to read this years 77. Read at least one book from this list each year.
Aye Carumba! :)
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 2:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
It's a Big One!
#20 is completed! When it's time for a new(er) car – make an informed decision, and get A/C!!!
Earlier this month we took my car in to our mechanic to check out a brake fluid leak. We ended up making two trips for brake repairs (not due to the mechanic, first it was rear brakes, and then our poor luck it was followed by front brakes), and he let us know it was probably time to start looking for a new car, start saving up, whatever we had to do. The car was still okay for now, but it's getting pretty rusty under there and won't last forever. We did still do the brake repairs, and the car passed inspection also - we weren't really planning to replace it so quickly! It just kind of worked out that way. And the new-to-us car... has AC! It's pretty much the best thing ever. Here's the new car, it's a 2005 Hyundai Elantra.
You know what makes this even greater? Not only did I cross off another goal, and is it a pretty exciting one anyway ... this makes the 25th goal to be crossed off! Which means I need to celebrate this wondrous milestone. I wonder what I'll do?!
In the next couple months I should be crossing off a few more of these goals. We made our camping reservations last night, so there is one for sure!
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 12:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Why Hello, July!
As usual I am making changes! Sometimes the easiest way to measure these things doesn't come to me until too late. Luckily, it's really never too late! I just changed my cooking goal from something lame like "cook a meal once a month" to: 45. Try five new recipes! (1/5) ... and only counted one that I've already done, thought I think there were more. We'll just count this one for now though! Since it's documented somewhere already.
I added and crossed off: 47. Get a weedeater! ... too. You can call me a cheater, I don't mind. We needed one. And we got one. And now I just need to learn to use it. Maybe that should have been my goal... but honestly I won't be heartbroken if Jeff becomes the official weedeater in the household.
I'm worried about: 74. Read 100 books! (14/100) ... I upped the tally to 14 just now, though I'm technically still reading book 14. I should finish it soon. But like I said, I'm worried! I need to find some shorter books to read as filler! :)
And I'm considering abandoning: 75. Read Jane Austen: The Complete Novels. (2/7) ... because, blah.
11. Start and complete holiday craft challenges. (3/4) ... is on the back burner for now. Maybe I'll try to revive it one last time for Christmas this year.
4. Crochet blankets for Christmas gifts (2/4) ... is going really well! I just started #3 recently, the blanket for my nephew that chose yellow as his favorite color. Jeff seemed to think yellow wasn't very manly of a color, so it's yellow and blue. Navy blue, pale yellow, and little bits of light blue and white also. I think it looks pretty awesome so far!
I'm hoping to combine #'s 62, 65, and maybe even 55... that's: 62. Go to Taughannock Falls, 65. Go camping. (Real camping.), and 55. Have a game night. I'm working on Jeff and our friends Kendra and Damien. Hopefully it works out because it sounds like fun! Plus, THREE THINGS TO CROSS OFF! :) I know what's important.
Other than that I still have a bunch of blanks on my list! I know I'll come up with more as time goes on, but suggestions are always welcome!
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 1:50 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Pretty In Pink
I finished my second blanket for #4. This one is for my other niece who chose pink as her favorite color.Next up is "yellow" for one of my nephews. The fourth blanket? I intended it to be for my sister's boyfriends son (that lived in the same house as the three previously mentioned)... but. My sister and his father split up. So! I will wait and see before I make any decisions about this goal. I do have another nephew (my other sister's only kid) that I could make the 4th blanket for. I was going to see if I could manage a fifth for him, and possibly a sixth for my father in law.... so it will all work out.
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 10:40 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Goals, Goals, Goals!
I can post Numbers 2 and 15 now that they've finally been sent to their new owner! I present Mr. Turtle:
And here is the painting I took my sweet time on. (I was actually plugging along really well, then I heard that Shawn came along earlier than expected, and I lost steam. That probably should have ADDED steam... I have no excuse.)
I also painted a cow by request.I'm working on the list some more today, and renumbering so things stay in the right categories. There's 7 or 8 blank spots for new goals to be filled in, I left 2 in the Life Things section because I'm sure stuff will pop up to fill in there, the others I just moved to the Random Things section and they can just sit there even if they end up fitting in elsewhere. Changing all the numbers is a pain in my tush. =)
I just crossed off what is now #89: Teach someone something. I think I was thinking on a bigger scale when I set that goal, but... in the last week alone I've shown about a trillion people how to send a fax. That should count. I also added and crossed of #93.... Make a bird feeder. Maybe that's cheating, but I don't think so. I did want to do it, and then I did it.
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 12:03 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Public Service Announcement
If you recently noticed that I stopped "following" you? I didn't. I mean... I did? Through Bloggers "follow this blog" thingy, but you are still listed in my Google Reader so I will still get your updates. I wanted everything I read to be in one big long (alphabetized - :bag: ) list, but with some blogs being "followed" through blogger it kept moving those to a separate folder... and basically upsetting me for no good reason. My life is much more manageable now. ;)
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 10:52 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Mid-April Update!
It's always a lot of work to drag myself over here to update. I don't know why, since once I do it I feel better about it! I just was able to update my finished tasks tally to 21 totally completed goals. Awe.Some. Four more and I get to celebrate! I wonder what I'll do for my celebration? :)
So... which goals did I cross off?
#14 - Paint something. I'd love to show you what it was... but that has to wait until I actually mail it to it's destination. Just in case.
#24 - It previously said something like "save $ every month, actual savings account not necessary". How do you measure that though? Since we did open a savings account and are adding to it... I just changed it to "Open a savings account." - and then crossed it off.
#78 - Try a new restaurant. You know that meant new to me, right? It did. And we went to Uno Chicago Grill. The name of that place confuses me since I don't understand if it's Uno's Chicago Grill, or if they're switching up the language mid-name (One Chicago Grill?), or if it's just Uno Grill and they threw the Chicago in there so you know it's Chicago themed... in any case - it was good. And I enjoyed asking for the "bringing home the bacon burger". Fun names! ;)
The more I nose through my list the less happy I am with some of my goals that really aren't measurable. They bug me. And so I changed some more. Right now I have a few holes to fill in. They say "new goal needed!" - and I may change more later too. Remember, that's allowed.
I'm worried about my 100 books goal! I'm only working on book 10. And I'm about a quarter of the way through my 1001 days. At this rate I'll be lucky to make it to 50! :faint: I'll have to read easier and shorter books I think. I wonder where I placed my copy of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie...
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 1:02 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Eighteen Completed Goals
Happy March First! :) I just crossed off number 86 - as that plant is still kickin'. I've done good.
I also updated a few little building block goals; I'm on book 8 of 100 now, I posted at least twice on my main blog in February, we did a date night, I made a meal no matter how simple it may have been... and so on. I also finished one of the four (but maybe 6!) blankets I need to make by Christmas this year! This one is for one of my nieces who answered the all important "What's your favorite color" question with "Orange".It's a about twice as long as shown, and really not quite THAT bright in person. Though it is definitely pretty bright. Also, I taught myself a fancy ruffle edge crochet stitch for this one, I like it. You probably can't even tell it's there from the picture though. Next up is a blanket in all different flavors of pink!
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 2:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Everybody's Talking About Change
I just did a little list updating. For now I've italicized a couple that will need changing, but I'll have to think on them (like - #30: Chewy goal, and #39: Dale goal). A few others changed completely, and SOME have even been crossed out! WOO! Progress is awesome.
I now have SEVENTEEN completed goals! And a few straggler halves. We won't discuss those. Matter of fact, I could probably stop adding "halves" now that I have a real whole number to brag about... but the halves kind of remind me that I should finish those at some point. Sort of. I don't DO it, but they remind me that I should... yeah.
First up... #55. I got a Wii! It was part my birthday present, and part money from Christmas. It is wicked fun and I like it more than I thought I would even! I've only had it a week though.
I know what you're thinking... if I got a Wii one of my halves should have disappeared, right? You don't miss anything! But... check out # 86. I got a plant! Two actually, from work for my birthday. So all I have to do is keep one (or both) alive long enough to feel like I've succeeded, and that baby will get crossed off too! (That probably won't take long. I've had them a week and am starting to get a bit cocky.)
What else is different?! .... I changed my crocheting goals around. I think I mentioned that I didn't really care about trying all those patterns once I knew I could figure it out. So... I left #3 (the roly-poly pig) the same since it's for my mom (who likes pigs). I can probably give that a shot sometime in the next 800 and some days. I changed #4 to crocheting 4 (or more if it goes well!) blankets as Christmas gifts this year. I started a bright orange one last night. A certain niece of mine chose orange as her favorite color - I'm thinking it will be mostly orange (well the yarn calls itself "pumpkin"), with a touch of bright pink and green, and maybe white. Four (maybe six!) blankets in this year alone is a pretty big goal, so I forgive myself for this next indiscretion. I changed #5 to "crochet a snowman and a santa for my mom for Christmas." Then I crossed it out, since I already did that. See the snowman! See the Santa... I still need to suck it up and finish #6! That second stinking bootie. This is pretty lame of me since it's even started. It would maybe take and hour or two.
#36 - Cleaning my car inside and out twice a year? I've pathetically changed that to simply cleaning out the trash once in a blue moon. Don't judge me!
I changed #37 to set up somewhat of a home binder. But I don't plan to get all complicated like some I've seen! I'll be happy with just having somewhere to put receipts and manuals - maybe with a phone number list. That sounds fancy to me.
I tried my new food for 2009! (#40) It was tomato bisque with mushrooms. (Yes, soup. Shut up.) Words like "bisque" would normally put me off, but yesterday? I TRIED IT. And it was good. But apparently bisque is normally creamier than that was. I probably wouldn't have liked it that way, so I'm glad.
I changed #81 from "keep reading, and keep track of what I read" to Read 100 books! WOO! I have been trying to read 50 books in one year the last few years, but I don't really come close. So I figured 100 books in 1001 days might be doable! And I can still keep track using my 50 books set-up: which is this list here. Counting from my first Jane Austen book (which I started right about the same time I started this list) I'm at six total so far. I better get trucking!
I think those are the only major changes/updates. Though I did update #99 to show just '09 and '10... since I never got to do it this year! That makes me sad actually. At first I kept forgetting to look, and then I think it was maybe too close to Christmas once I did remember - because I didn't find a drop box. Next year (this year!) I will be more pro-active about it. Seriously! I will! Because I do feel bad that it didn't happen this year. Sigh.
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 2:04 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Overdue Update
I really let this go too long without an update. I didn't forget, I just kept saying to myself "I'll get to it soon." Which obviously didn't work out so well. So I have a few updates, I've now completed fourteen total items!
- I completed both Nablopomo and Holidailies this year, so I got to cross off numbers 88 and 90 (they also counted as parts of 89 and 91).
- I started taking a multivitamin, so there's number 43.
- I also crossed off finishing the staining of the picnic table, number 19. Which I didn't technically have to do anything for. I thought it would need another coat when I added it to the list, but I never did that and I think it's going to be fine. It seems to be handling this winter pretty awesomely. Maybe that's cheating, but I don't think so.
- I just crossed off number 85: Win some money! Anything over $20 counts. We won a total of $21 from scratchy tickets this Christmas. That was a shared win, but I think it still counts. Especially because I also won a hooded sweatshirt as a "door prize" from a benefits fair at work about a month or two ago. Those are usually about $30, so I'd say that counts too!
- I don't get to cross this off yet, but I finished Pride & Prejudice awhile ago also (I blogged about it here), so that brings me up to 2/7 for number 82.
I think I'll be doing some maintenance to my list soonish. Reading through it just now I found a few things that I really don't even want to do anymore. So I should change those to something more worthwhile. Like... I don't particularly care about making the roly-poly crochet things from patterns anymore. Once I learned how to follow a pattern I felt complete in that area. lol! At Christmas I made a snowman and a santa without a pattern and those made me feel better than the turtle from a pattern, so I really think I've moved past that. I still haven't finished that second bootie either. D'oh!
Posted by Awesome Sarah at 4:25 PM 1 comments