Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pimping My Contest

Go here for details on a wicked fun and cool contest that you should enter: http://sarahthings.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/you-show-me-yours/

You could win a PRIZE!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Almost Nine Months Later

And I can only cross off six more items? That's weak! But there are a few more in progress.
I just crossed off:

#3 Make a Baby Blankie.
(the blankie is beneath the baby)

#16 Paint 3 or 4 Peekaboo Panels.

#21 This one's private. Bwah-haha!
(the goal is on top of the blankie)

#41 Use sunscreen - No bad sunburns all 3 summers!
#42 Get and use a filing cabinet. Technically I got a filing safe? But it works, and cost less than a cabinet.
#44 Send a thank you card. Or like a skillion. People like to give babies presents. :)

I am officially giving up on 75. Eff that goal and it's effing goal-y-ness.

And there is some progress towards #23 (buying a house) though nothing is official and it's a very slow wait and see process, so let's just silently cross our fingers and hope it works out. #'s 28, 30, 31, 32, and 33 (all random house projects) should all fall into place after #23 is official.

That's all folks!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Forty Goals Down

Only sixty more to go... ugh.

Newly crossed off goals are:
4. Crochet blankets for Christmas gifts (4/4).
6. Make a hat and bootie combo.
13. Draw something.
25. Save $1 a day so at the end of this challenge I will have $1001.
48. Get a printer.
65. Go to Lights on the Lake - finally!
90. Donate hair.

4. So I finished that fourth and final blanket in time for Christmas, obviously. This one was for my other nephew. I didn't find out what his favorite color was first, instead his mom told me his room is mostly camo, so I did this multi-browns thing below:
6. This was previously a half completed goal that said "Make a hat and booties combo." But I realized I am never going to finish that second bootie, ever. Because I only wanted to know I could, I really have no use for the booties themselves. A little editing and voila! Finished goal.

13. I drew something. Nothing worth showing, but dangit it totally happened.

25. So this is a little bit of cheating in action. Currently our savings account has well over this $1,001 goal. But it will be used in a few months when I am out of work with this whole having a baby condition I've got. I'm counting it anyway.

48. We needed a printer, ours died a long time ago. So I added this goal to the list. We bought a printer. And then I crossed it off.

65. We went to Lights on the Lake! FINALLY! It was a little on the boring side, but we also went on Christmas Eve and the place was packed. I don't know if it is normally as slow moving as it was that particular night.

90. 8 full inches (plus probably a little excess, I clearly wasn't the one doing the measuring and cutting) are gone from my head. It is weird having a neck. Don't even ask for a picture, the camera is not my friend. I swear to god there is a cute girl in the mirror, but when the camera comes out she is nowhere to be found these days.