As I just said on my regular blog, it's hard to care about goals when you are sick and whiny. That said - I didn't get all my monthly things done before October showed up this morning. I think it doesn't count though. I was counting on using this last weekend, but then it was wasted and gone in a blur of snot filled tissues, "I think I have a feeeeeeverrrrrr", and "My faaaaaaace hurrrrrts" 's. That's right, I admit it. I whine.
Anyway. I did do some of my things. And I'm going to give myself through this weekend to do my monthly things that got skipped. Like riding my bike. Hopefully I feel better very soon because at this moment I can not even fathom having that kind of energy. Here's the rundown (well just the parts with updates/comments):
2. Make a turtle. Done. It doesn't have eyes yet, because I couldn't find the kind I wanted when I got my supplies. But it still totally counts as done. I will take a picture eventually. :)
25. Save $1 a day so I will have $1,001 at the end of this challenge! Doing well here. :)
28. Maintain the illusion of cleanliness a little each month. (2/33) Luckily I did some of this before getting sick. It doesn't matter that it just got messy again afterwards.
41. Ride the bike I had to have at least once a month from May-October each year. Starting now. 8/08, 9/08, 10/08, 5/09, 6/09, 7/09, 8/09, 9/09, 10/09, 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10, 5/11 (1/16) I'm giving myself some extra time for this.
82. Read Jane Austen: The Complete Novels. (1/7) Woo! I finished Sense and Sensibility last night!!! I really did like the story... just not such a fan of the writing style. Oy. I'm holding out hope that the other 6 won't be so rough.
84. Read at least one book from this list each year. (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) (0/4) I did borrow the book from Denise, after all. I'll probably start it tonight if I don't fall right asleep.
87. Blog at least once every other week. Two in a row to make up for missed posts is totally allowed. (5/72) I just blogged my fifth blog. I'm weak. Technically there was one post during September, but today is only the 1st of October so I think I did pretty well. I definitely didn't fail. I have a clause. :)
100. Celebrate this lists’ milestones! Do something special after you complete a total of 25, 50, 75, and the final item(s)! (0/4) I'm up to 5 and 2 halves. :) I really need to finish that stinkin' booty just so I can count that item as done. lol!
Also... I did get my hair cut. But it doesn't affect #97 (Donating to Locks of Love) because the hair that got cut off? Had highlights. And couldn't have been donated anyway. I knew this when I put that on the list, I did my research. I should still be able to do it, but it will take all the growing and non-highlighting I can do between now and my end date (allowing for a few trims here and there).
AND... as for #20 (Keep my car running...) it's in the shop getting a new radiator. I feel like I should be able to cross something off for that.
I think that's pretty much everything. Sorry my list posts are so boring. I'll try to spice up my next one somehow.
Oh! And as for # 27 (Putting money into 401k...) A lady from HR contacted me about setting this up since I'm eligible for employer contribution soon... she's going to meet with me Friday afternoon. Woohoo!
Ok, now that is all.