Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weekly, Monthly, Yearly... Oh my!

Below are most of my weekly/monthly/however often goals... I think it's all of them but I may have missed a couple. I thought I'd copy a few people and put them in one post so I have somewhere to view what I need to remember to do most often. I will probably print these out and post them on my fridge or somewhere too... remembering is hard. Since I'm here I'll do a little update too. :) I started that other bootie but still haven't finished it quite yet. Soon! And today I ordered some awesome things from Dick Blick. Woo! I will be working on my sculpt something, and paint more goals soon! Just so you're not surprised if and when I post my sculpt something - I didn't order clay! :) I'm going to do a different kind of sculpture. Hopefully it's awesome, since I'm kind of building it up here. Don't blame me if it blows.

24. Save $ each month – opening an actual savings account is optional.
I might have to change this one. I am putting money aside... but look at my next goal. They kind of go together right? This one is so vague that the next one makes it kind of pointless?
25. Save $1 a day so I will have $1,001 at the end of this challenge!
I am ahead on this one so far! Of course I'm on the easiest end of the challenge, so I thought I'd try to get a head start rather than try to catch up later. I'm just "burying" the money in my checking account right now, and keeping track of it, but I may get a jar and transfer it to cash soon. That will help keep me from spending it before the end of the challenge. lol.
28. Maintain the illusion of cleanliness a little each month. (1/33)
I hate cleaning. Who likes it, right? Sigh.
36. Keep car at least MOSTLY cleaned out. It’s not a junk drawer. Clean it inside and out once every 6 months (0/5)
Umm. I suck. I haven't done this yet. I think I will next month? Because then in another six months it will be April... and probably starting to finally be warm outside again... hopefully.
40. Try a new food just once during each year (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011). (1/4)
I counted the duck I had earlier this year. I don't have to try anything new for awhile. :) That makes me happy.
41. Ride the bike I had to have at least once a month from May-October each year. Starting now.
8/08, 9/08, 10/08, 5/09, 6/09, 7/09, 8/09, 9/09, 10/09, 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10, 5/11 (1/16) Gah, this one is going to kill me. I'm pretty sure. And I was totally easy on myself too. Once a month? Psh. Tell that to my thighs.
44. Spend some time outdoors at least one weekend each month. Even in winter ones. Even if it’s only 15 minutes and I’m shoveling.(2/33)
I was out there for a bit today messing with a wire hanger. Shut up. lol. I am not explaining.
45. Make sunscreen a priority – no bad sunburns! (1/3 summers)
Pretty self-explanatory. Last year I got burned pretty bad TWICE. I was an idiot. This year I did much better. I plan to keep it that way.
54. Cook more: 1 real (my version of “effort somewhat required”) meal a month (1/33)
Today is the 13th and nothing yet. Ha! Soon, grasshoppa.
57. Date more: at least one outing (or possibly in-ing) that counts as a date every month. (2/33)
This month has totally been taken care of. We went to dinner and a movie for our anniversary.
81. Keep reading, and keep track of what you read!
This one isn't a monthly or weekly... but it is a consistent one. I have to figure out how I want to do this. I have a list on my other blog that I was updating regularly, but I fell behind. Maybe I will try to catch up and fill in the peices I have missed and just keep updating that?
82. Read Jane Austen: The Complete Novels. (0/7)
Gah. I'm still on Sense and Sensibility. The story is intriguing, the writing is killing me. I won't give up yet though.
84. Read at least one book from
this list each year. (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) (0/4) Gotta finish at least the first Jane Austen before I can read one for this year. :) I will find the book soon though. Denise offered to let me borrow her copy, but I'm kind of a weird book collector.
87. Blog at least once every other week. Two in a row to make up for missed posts is totally allowed. (3/72)
Twice in August and once for September so far. Right on schedule. And in case I wasn't really clear, I mean blogging over here:

88. Successfully finish NaBloPoMo (blog every day in November) once.
89. Try every year (0/3)
90. Successfully complete Holidailies (blog every day in December) once.
91. Try every year (0/3)

99. Buy and donate gifts for the (is it Toys for Tots?) tree things at a store each Christmas. (’08, ’09, ’10) (0/3) Soon! I can't wait, this is actually pretty fun.
100. Celebrate this lists’ milestones! Do something special after you complete a total of 25, 50, 75, and the final item(s)! (0/4) I'll have to go through and count and see how many I'm up to?! Not close to 25 yet, but slowly making progress. :) (I just counted... 4 and 2 halves. lol. It's not 5, oddly enough.)
101. Check off items on this list as I complete them, and blog about it! Or at least blog the bigger items. Of course. I'm trying to make sure I cross things off as soon as I can or I might forget to later! That would suck.

This one isn't recurring, but...

95. Take a really great nap! I totally did this one today. Awesome.


Denise said...

You're so organized about this! I'm just kind of trying to keep things in my head. :) I'm glad you're doing so well on them, though. Good job!

Kate Hart said...

I'm still working on a genius idea for keeping track of the recurring goals. ......