Here's the update you've all been hanging on the edge of your seats for. I'm so sure. :)
25. Save $1 a day so I will have $1,001 at the end of this challenge! Still going.
28. Maintain the illusion of cleanliness a little each month. (3/33) I bought a Swiffer Duster, and was actually disappointed that it didn't do the dusting for you. Like, the commercials kind of made it sound like my dust would just jump off the shelves onto the fluffy rag thing. That did not happen.
36. Keep car at least MOSTLY cleaned out. It’s not a junk drawer. Clean it inside and out once every 6 months (0/5) Yeah I kind of planned to do this in October, didn't I? Heh. Well now I will shoot for November.
44. Spend some time outdoors at least one weekend each month. Even in winter ones. Even if it’s only 15 minutes and I’m shoveling.(3/33)
54. Cook more: 1 real (my version of “effort somewhat required”) meal a month (3/33) Shake N' Bake counts.
57. Date more: at least one outing (or possibly in-ing) that counts as a date every month. (3/33) I almost didn't count it at first since we argued the whole time. lol! But we went and saw Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist.
81. Keep reading, and keep track of what you read! I updated my list in the sidebar of my other blog. I think that's the only realistic way to do this, maybe.
87. Blog at least once every other week. Two in a row to make up for missed posts is totally allowed. (5/72) November is totally taken care of, considering it's NaBloPoMo! Look over here:
88. Successfully finish NaBloPoMo (blog every day in November) once.
89. Try every year (1/3)
90. Successfully complete Holidailies (blog every day in December) once.
91. Try every year (0/3)
100. Celebrate this lists’ milestones! Do something special after you complete a total of 25, 50, 75, and the final item(s)! (0/4) I think I'm still hovering at 8 and 2 halves.
101. Check off items on this list as I complete them, and blog about it! Or at least blog the bigger items. Of course.
Woo! I love seeing your progress. :)
We're hoping to have something to announce on Holidailies within the week.
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